Tuesday, February 9, 2010


My little girl turned 4 on the 31st! I honestly cannot believe how fast the last 4 years have flown by. It seems like yesterday that she was just learning how to walk. She is a very special little girl, and has her own ideas and opinions even at such a young age. God has blessed me by allowing me to be her mommy. Here are some pics from her party. We got snow 2 days prior, but everyone made it to our house. We just had a family party, and it was a blast.

My mom made the cake, and she did an awesome job!

Cousins!!! These girls are trouble!

Making a wish!

The pinata was tons of fun!

Sawyer in his jumper!

This pic cracks me up, he is the sweetest happiest baby, but he really looks mad here!

This is the boy I know!

Fun in the tub!

He has stolen my heart! God is good!

They love eachother so much!

And BB loves her Daddy!

Things are going good. Sawyer is 5 months old today!!! This really blows my mind, it seems like I just had him a few weeks ago. On the other hand it's hard to remember life without him. I think back to when I was pregnant with him and knowing how much I loved him, even before I met him. Everytime he smile, everytime he cries I love him more and more. My children are my life's work. God has blessed us beyond words.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You have a beautiful family.
Ashley Thomas (Davis)